Be aware of the different elements in interviewing, and discuss the salient points of each (13 elements).

Be aware of the different elements in interviewing, and discuss the salient points of each (13 elements).

University of Phoenix Material

Foundations of Human Development Worksheet

Write the key features, listed below, into the correct life stage of development and most significantly affected age range. In your own words, provide an explanation of the term and how it affects the developmental stage. An example is provided for reference. For the purposes of this assignment, field marked “N/A” do not need to be completed.

Psychological or Cognitive
Conception and
Teratogens are substances, including drugs, that cause malformations in the fetus (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010, p.54).

For example, the text states that teratogens are Certain drugs affect biological development by causing malformations of body parts and organs. Newborn children of drug addicts, for example, experience a number of potential developmental problems such as low birth weight, muscle tremors, and physical birth defects (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010, p.54)..


The early stage of existence
This is the early stage of growth and development you can refined your motor skills and also this is the main thing for attachment


The beginning of getting to develop personality

At this stage of life they are learning things such as mobility, , language and social skills is a source of wonder for parents and caregivers
Throughout the toddler years, temper tantrums are quite common.they can also be diagnose with Adhd or other behavioral illness, children at this age can be very possessive and have difficulty sharing. Learning to get along with other children is an essential skill.

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