Beer Market Insights Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, South Korea, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnam - size, share, trend, demand and much more analysis

Beer Market Insights Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, South Korea, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnam - size, share, trend, demand and much more analysis

The Beer Market Insight Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, South Korea, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnam report contains detailed brand, distribution and packaging data and analysis across the Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, South Korea, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnam beer market for 2013. Brand and packaging volume data is available whilst value data is also available for distribution data. Text analysis reveals the drivers behind the data.

To view the table of contents for Each market research report Of beer market :

Key Findings

- Premium beers are making great advances in the Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, South Korea, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnamnian beer market, exhibiting extremely positive growth due to the following factors:
- The Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, South Korea, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnamnian economy experienced growth of 8%, making it one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America
- Premium beers, mainly Miller Lite, continue to drive the timid category growth experienced during 2013. Miller Lite entered the market in 2010 and has grown exponentially, driven by an improvement in execution and production by Cerveceria Nacional, engaging the retailers and attracting consumers with its international brand
- Corona is expected to experience strong growth, together with other super-premium brands like Heineken which are now accessible to a growing middle and upper class of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, South Korea, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnamnias with higher purchasing power
- During early 2013 SABMiller, looking to focus its attention on the beer and carbonates industries, sold the operations of Planta Nevada to Dos Pinos, the main dairy producer in Costa Rica


Beer Market Insight reports provide detailed data and textual analysis of the beer category and...

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