Behavior Change Project

Behavior Change Project

Behavior Change Project

Over this course I feel like my overall view on what health is, how to be healthy, and why someone is happy has changed drastically. Health is not just physical, but actually most of it has to do with how or what we think. While learning some of the material for KNR 208 I taught myself that being healthy mentally is much more important than being healthy physically. I don’t believe that my responsibility for my health has changed because I will always take full responsibility for whether or not I am completely healthy.
I believe because of the Behavior change project I have been more aware of my surroundings and able to see and feel what others are feeling. I feel like I have become less conceited and self-absorbed as before. It is not so much about me, myself, and I, but just living and being happy. If I treat people the way they want to be treated and be know every situation I’m in then I see no reason why I should not be more aware and empathize with my surroundings. I feel like I am also more respectful. Just to go along with me being more aware of my surroundings, having respect for yourself with the knowledge of knowing you need good spiritual, mental, emotional healths etc. makes it easier to respect myself and respect others.
I believe I am a critical thinker. I analyze a question in depth and try and look at every angle or problem to a topic. I try and see things rationally to the best of my ability and am fair when it comes to criticizing. I do not think I am the most critical thinker but I do believe I think critically and can make up my opinion on certain subject matters very well.
The first attribute of a critical thinker I feel I possess very well is I have interest in finding new solutions. If my viewpoint is wrong then so be it! I like seeing things from the different perspective and even changing my mind and learning from it. My second attribute is I look for proof when I am analyzing information. If the...

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