Being Motivated

Being Motivated

I chose to discuss Martin Luther King JR’s “I Have a Dream” speech because I feel it is the greatest public address in history. Martin Luther King JR delivered this speech in August of 1963, to thousands of people, black and white, who were frustrated with the way black people were considered second class citizens. He stands tall and distinguished, never allowing his eyes to fall from the crowd except to read the words on the paper. Shoulders back, head high he delivers his words with enthusiasm and worth. Assuring us, he believes, one day everyone will feel the same.

I read a written copy of this speech before I saw ever saw the video and was amazed how inspiring it is on the page. Even without his incredible ability of expression, I was motivated to make a difference and stand up for human rights. But it is his fever for speech and equality that makes this the most moving of its kind. He uses his words like poetry to make his message persuasive. He compares their struggle to a promissory note written by our forefathers, saying, “This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

He rallies the crowd to step forward, not with hate and violence, but with dignity. He injects emotion to get you fired-up. Chooses words that up-lift and encourage. I believe we have been on a journey towards his dream for the last forty-six years. I also believe we all can make a difference if we have the same dream. It is my hope that one day we will all be equal and stand together. Martin Luther King JR makes me believe.

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