

The Fire Alarm

“Billy, get up or you will miss the bus again!” yelled mom. Upstairs in the last room on the left buried under a mountain of covers was Billy Morgan. A red headed, freckled face, fifth grader at Kennedy Middle School. “Just 5 more minutes mom.” Billy shouted. The Morgan family had just moved to Springfield two weeks ago and already Billy had been tardy to school 4 times. One more and that would mean detention.

Billy scrambled to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and head out the door. “Whew, just made it.” Billy said as he hopped on the bus to school. Billy sat in the back next to his best friend Jack. Jack was slightly taller than Billy with black frizzy hair and pimples. The bus ride to school was 20 minutes long and all the way there Billy was causing trouble. “Stay in your seat!” the bus driver yelled. “Quiet down you two and keep your hands to yourself!” she said.

Billy arrived at school and went to his first period class. “Ugh, I really hate having Writing first thing in the morning.” Billy exclaimed. Mrs. Johnson was a little old gray haired lady with thick black glasses. She was the strictest teacher in the school. “Eyes front, hands free, be quiet, and be still!” she said. “Take out your notebook and start thinking of ideas to write about.” Billy raised his hand. “Can I use the bathroom?” he asked. “Don’t you mean may I use the bathroom.” Mrs. Johnson answered. “Yes ma’am.” Billy left and headed out the door.

Billy entered the deserted bathroom just around the corner from his classroom. He was only in the bathroom for a couple of minutes when he heard an alarming sound. It sounded like an ambulance and fire engine screaming down the hallway. “Wheeoooooh!” “Wheeooooh!” Billy jumped out of his skin and raced out the door. He caught a glimpse of a dark green jacket rounding the corner. Mrs. Johnson and the principal came out of their rooms and there was Billy standing in front of the fire alarm that was pulled all the way...

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