Binge Eating

Binge Eating

Binge Eating disorder is defined as eating an abnormally large amount of food within a certain amount of time. It is also known as Compulsive Overeating. Binge eaters usually feel like they have a lack of control over eating. This disorder has just recently been diagnosed by doctors but is now the most common eating disorder in America. It affects at least 1 to 2 million Americans to date and can affect adults or children. I t does occur more often in women than in men with a ratio of 3:2. The causes of this new disorder are still unknown. It is mostly linked to people that have a history of depression. Also anger, boredom, sadness, and anxiety have also been known to trigger the disorder in many Americans.
Just because a person eats more than usual occasionally, does not mean that the person has the Binge Eating Disorder. The most common feelings that go along with this disorder are eating much more rapidly than usual, eating until uncomfortably full, eating large amounts of food even though not physically hungry, eating alone out of embarrassment at the quantity of food being consumed, and feelings of guilt, depression and disgust after overeating. The Binge Eating Disorder is similar to Bulimia Nervosa except that the person does purge. Purge means vomiting, taking laxatives, or water pills to avoid gaining weight.
Doctors will diagnose a patient with this disorder for many reasons. The most common reasons are that the binge eating occurs at least two days a week for more than six months, feelings of distress about eating behaviors, and the patient has to have had a lack of control over food intake.
There are several different health consequences that go along with this disorder. First off, obesity is the most obvious consequence because of the large amounts of food intake. Type two diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gallbladder and heart disease, more severe cases of depression and anxiety, and certain types of other...

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