BIS 245 Final Exam (Keller)
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(TCO 1) Which object would you use to enter, delete, or modify data?
(TCO 1) Which object would you use to retrieve customers who live in Germany and the United States?
(TCO 1) To design a report you should do all of the following EXCEPT
(TCO 1) Which of the following is NOT a Report Section?
(TCO 1) A Detail line is used to
(TCO 2) For the following image, which of the following is TRUE?
(TCO 2) A symbol used in ER diagrams for an entity is a
(TCO 3) A property that provides a "user friendly" name to a column in Datasheet View is a
(TCO 3) Summarized data in an easy-to-read view is known as a
(TCO 3) Which of the following is NOT true of a property?
(TCO 4) Which of the following does NOT describe the following one-to-one relationship?
(TCO 5) Which form type displays records in a tabular

BIS 245 Week 1 Lab 1 Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access (Keller)
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A. Lab # : BSBA BIS 245A-1
B. Lab 1 of 7 : Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access
C. Lab Overview--Scenario/Summary
1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements.
2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool.
You have been asked to create two conceptual database models using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to have you gain familiarity with the various modeling tools needed to create a conceptual model (entity relationship diagram) of a database. You will create two conceptual models.
You will then open an existing Access database to explore database objects and to experiment with simple data manipulation using filters and sorts and to begin...

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