Bla Bla

Bla Bla

Project 1 Wellness Profile
Lab 1.1 – Wellness Profile (see page 23)
Physical wellness – Eating well, getting regular checkups, and recognizing symptoms of diseases.

Emotional wellness – Optimism, self-esteem, self-confidence, and the ability to understand and accept one’s feeling.

Intellectual wellness – Capacity to question, motivation to master new skills, sense of humor, creativity, and curiosity.

Spiritual wellness – Capacity for love, forgiveness, altruism, compassion, joy, fulfillment, caring for others, sense of meaning and purpose, sense of belonging to something greater than one’s self,

Interpersonal/social wellness – Communication skills, capacity for intimacy, ability to establish and maintain satisfying relationships, ability to cultivate support systems of friends and family.

Environmental wellness – Having abundant, clean natural resources, maintaining sustainable resources, recycle whenever possible,

Top 5 Most Important Strengths – Forgiveness, optimism, sense of humor, ability to establish and maintain satisfying relationships, and caring for others.

Based on both your current lifestyle and your goals for the future, what do you think your placement on the wellness continuum will be in 10 years? What new health behaviors will you have to adopt to achieve your goals?
In 10 years, I believe I will be placed at the high level of wellness of the well continuum. To achieve that goal I will adopt a better physical wellness. That is my biggest issue so I want to learn exercise regularly and healthier ways to exercise and improve my flexibility.

Using Your Results
How did you score? Are you satisfied with your current level of wellness - overall? And then each dimension? Which dimension do you wish to improve and why?

Lab 1.2 Lifestyle Evaluation p. 25
Exercise/Fitness Score -- 6

Nutrition Score -- 9

Tobacco Use Score -- 10

Alcohol and Drugs...

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