

13th Amendment.
Section 1. Slavery or to force someone to work for you, except as a punishment for a crime is against the law.

Section 2. The Congress will have the power to enforce this article.

14th Amendment.
Section 1. All people born or naturalized in the United States are American citizens and citizens of their state of residence. It is forbidden for states to abridge the privileges and immunities of U.S. citizens, to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law and deny anyone of equal protection of laws.

Section 2. Government representation is based on population, excluding Indian reservations that are exempt from state jurisdiction.   Voting for President, Vice-President, U.S. Congress, State Governor, State Judges, and State legislators is done by male citizens age 21 or older, who have not committed treasonous acts.

Section 3. Nobody who has committed a treasonous act is allowed to hold a position as a federal government official, military official, state official, or judge.  This can be repealed by a Congressional vote of 2/3.

Section 4. All debts owed by and to the U.S. are valid except for any claims for loss due to the outlawing of slavery.

Section 5. The Congress has the power to enforce by legislation.

15th Amendment.
Section 1. The right to vote can't be denied because of race or skin color.  Nor can the right be denied because the individual was once a slave.

Section 2. The Congress has the power to enforce this by appropriate legislation.

16th Amendment.
Federal income tax is legal.

17th Amendment.
The U.S. Senate is composed of two elected senators from each state for a term of six years.  In Senate matters, each senator has exactly one vote.  Requirements for running for U.S. Senate are the same as running for the legislature of the state.  Some people claim that the reference to "six years" implies that a senator is allowed only a single six-year term, since a second six-year...