

Presentation/Roundtable Discussion

Presentation Assignment
You have three options for your presentation:
* Speech
* Power Point or Prezi
* Poster Session

These three options are a tad deceiving because regardless if which you choose, you will still be doing a “speech.” How you focus your audience depends on the option you choose. Please see notes on each of the three in eLearn to learn how to do each effectively.

This is a formal presentation, but should be a max of 5 minutes. Time yourself so you don’t go over—1-2 minutes for setup, 3 minutes for presentation. At the 5 minute mark, you will be cut off. If it takes you 5 minutes to setup your presentation, sorry. Consider having a back-up presentation plan in case of technological blunders (the screen not working, the Power Point not opening, etc). If you opted for the Power Point option, for example, the presentation not opening doesn’t get you out of presenting, it simply means you now have about 4 minutes left to wing your speech without the Power Point.

The presentation is the verbal form of your final research essay. You will present to the class your argument. This presentation should include
(1) an overview of the topic,
(2) a brief description of the ongoing conversation that you’ve researched,
(3) your own personal research findings, and
(4) your argument and support for that argument.

Following each presentation, there will be an audience interaction moment of about 2 minutes where the audience will ask questions, make suggestions, and point out possible fallacies. Use the audience’s feedback to help you in finishing the final paper. If they ask questions, you might want to clarify those ideas in the essay; if they make suggestions, consider using them in the essay; if they point out fallacies, don’t make the same mistake on the essay.

Possible extra points offered if you include a visual component to your presentation in the form of a “visual...

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