Blood pressure

Blood pressure

Blood Pressure
Blood pressureBecome is a measurement of the force which your blood pushes against the artery walls. Blood presBecomsure numbers vary in most people.
Blood pressure is affected by the beat of the heart. It reads hight during a contraction of the ventricles and low when they dilate. Unhealthy life style has an adverse effect to your blood pressure. Blood pressure numbers vary in most people , and are two numbers here because your blood is measured two ways. The number on the top is known as the systolic pressure and the number bellow is known as the diastolic pressure.
The reason for the two separate measurement has to do with the two ways in which your blood is pressured . The first way, the systolic pressure occurs when the heart pumps Becomeand forces the blood through the Arteries .The second pressure reading the diastolic pressure is a measurement of the amount of force generated when your heart is at rest or when blood flow is restricted and if it is not properly managed it could lead to diseases like stroke and heart attach.
A healthy adults blood pressure should be (120/80) or lower .Anything higher than this becomes prehypertension or hypertension and any thing lower than the average is called hypotension .high blood pressure or hypertension is caused by fluid retention , hardening of the Arteries also causes blood pressure to rise. Stress, lack of exercise and a high sodium diet also causes high blood pressure .The fact of blood pressure was discovered the French scientist by name Blaise pascal . Blood pressure plays an important role in our health and circulatory systems. (When the volume of the blood pumped through the Arteries increase , the delicate tissues in the artery walls wear thin and may even tear . Also fat and cholesterol deposits further obstruct blood flow, narrows the arteries and dear by accelerating damage by raising blood pressure even more . It could and does have an adverse effect in the...

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