

bl opgsd dddd dd ddddd ddd dddddd fgfg fgfdgfgfgf ffffffffffReview Chapter 3 of your textbook, focusing on pages 186, and 212 - 219.
Complete Practice & Apply exercises 1 - 4 on pages 212 - 219. You will be posting your analysis and responses to the reflection questions both here and on the discussion board (one copy must be posted in the gradebook and one copy must be posted on the discussion board). Your analysis should be about 1,000 words. Please visit your Course Documents folder to view a rubric that will determine your grade for this exercise.
Respond to the "Reflect on Your Analysis" questions on page 219 of your textbook.
Publish your analysis by posting it on the discussion board. Include your responses to the reflection questions. You will find directions for posting your writing exercise on the discussion board in the Course Documents folder.
Respond to another student's post with comments and/or suggestions.
Prepare for Quiz 7 (take the quiz after you complete this assignment).
fffffffffffffffffffffffff ddddddddddddReview Chapter 3 of your textbook, focusing on pages 186, and 212 - 219.
Complete Practice & Apply exercises 1 - 4 on pages 212 - 219. You will be posting your analysis and responses to the reflection questions both here and on the discussion board (one copy must be posted in the gradebook and one copy must be posted on the discussion board). Your analysis should be about 1,000 words. Please visit your Course Documents folder to view a rubric that will determine your grade for this exercise.
Respond to the "Reflect on Your Analysis" questions on page 219 of your textbook.
Publish your analysis by posting it on the discussion board. Include your responses to the reflection questions. You will find directions for posting your writing exercise on the discussion board in the Course Documents folder.
Respond to another student's post with comments and/or suggestions.
Prepare for Quiz 7 (take the quiz after you Review...