Blueback Passage Review

Blueback Passage Review

(2) Blueback: Pg. 77-80

During pages 77 and 85 from the book ‘Blue back’ by Tim Winton, the main character Abel is faced with trouble when a vicious diver and his partner have come to Longboat Bay and started to collect most of the abalones on the rocks and returning to their boat with a big amount of netted fish. Abel and his mother thought that this was too much that they are taking so Abel carefully approached to their boat and emptied the crates of abalones. But little did Abel know that the abalones he had emptied back into the bay are attracting his friend, a big blue groper. Soon Abel headed back and watched; all of a sudden the divers didn’t care about the abalones anymore but paid their attention to this big blue thing lurking around the water. They got closer and Abel rushed in front of them to try to stop them from catching the blue groper but little thirteen year old Abel cannot stop them, at the moment Abel felt terrified and knew that his friend Blueback the big blue groper will end up caught and speared dead. Luckily Dora Jackson, Abel’s mum came and stopped the divers getting any closer, and then the Blueback zoomed off in lightning speed. This time Abel thought the Blueback got lucky but it was his mum that gave the Blueback a little punch which made it zoom off.

In this passage, we readers should definitely learn to never take more than you are offered because on this world there are people doing things that can harm our nature and environment. This passage is important to the whole novel because if something went wrong during this scene the Blueback would have been dead and can change this whole novel and its ending. The Blueback was an important plot in the ending because they have always lived by the bay and watched it grow older with secrets that no one knows; the big blue old groper holds what the bay has as well. When old Dora Jackson passed away, Blueback was there to say goodbye and when little Dora was young it was there to greet...

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