BNE Rulins

BNE Rulins

Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas
Excerpts from the Rules and Regulations Relating to
Professional Nurse Education, and Licensure and Practice
§§213.27 – 213.30; §217.11 and §217.12 (effective 9/1/99)
§213.27 Good Professional Character
(a) Good professional character is the integrated
pattern of personal, academic and occupational
behaviors which, in the judgment of the Board,
indicates that an individual is able to consistently
conform his or her conduct to the requirements of the
Nursing Practice Act, the Board's rules and
regulations, and generally accepted standards of
nursing practice including, but not limited to,
behaviors indicating honesty, accountability,
trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity.
(b) Factors to be used in evaluating good professional
character in eligibility and disciplinary matters are:
(1) Good professional character is determined
through the evaluation of behaviors demonstrated by
an individual in his or her personal, academic and
occupational history. An individual's age, education,
and experience necessarily affect the nature and
extent of behavioral history and, therefore, shall be
considered in each evaluation.
(2) A person who seeks to obtain or retain a license
to practice professional or vocational nursing shall
provide evidence of good professional character
which, in the judgment of the Board, is sufficient to
insure that the individual can consistently act in the
best interest of patients/clients and the public in any
practice setting. Such evidence shall establish that the
(A) is able to distinguish right from wrong;
(B) is able to think and act rationally;
(C) is able to keep promises and honor obligations;
(D) is accountable for his or her own behavior;
(E) is able to practice nursing in an autonomous
role with patients/clients, their families, significant
others, and members of the public who are or who
may become physically, emotionally, or financially...