Bondi Beach Management Issues

Bondi Beach Management Issues

Bondi Beach

Management Issues

Sharks, drowning & stingrays - By the 1830s sea bathing was a popular activity despite being officially banned between 9.00am and 8.00pm. During the 1900s these restrictive attitudes began to relax and the beach became associated with health, leisure and democracy - a playground everyone could enjoy equally and has raised concerns about public safety and how to prevent people from drowning.

Erosion (rising sea levels) - Bondi Beach is usually about 80 metres wide, but could be completely gone by 2100 as a result of climate change. The combined effects of sea level rise and storm erosion could even undermine the seawall according to University model predictions for beaches like Bondi. If this occurs at Bondi, said Professor Peter Cowell, erosion could extend up to 70 metres inland from the promenade, despite recent efforts by Waverley Council to reinforce the toe of the seawall.

Human activities - have also reduced the biodiversity of our coastlines, which helps them to maintain their health. Small organisms in coastal ecosystems are often the first link in large food chains. The impact of their population reduction or extinction inevitably reverberates throughout the entire chain. The most significant ways in which humans have impacted upon Australia's coastline are outlined below.

Housing and development - The construction of houses around lagoons and swamps, the use of wetlands for landfills and the development of sand dunes for 'prime' real estate and recreational purposes have all had negative effects on Australia's coastal areas. The removal of vegetation has seen a significant reduction in biodiversity and also disrupted the natural processes which form intricate coastal ecosystems.

Sand mining
In some parts of Australia particularly Queensland, northern New South Wales, parts of Western Australia and South Australia, certain minerals found in beach sand are mined for the production of paints and industrial...

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