Bounce Height Equal to Gpe of Point Where the Ball Is Dropped

Bounce Height Equal to Gpe of Point Where the Ball Is Dropped

Science Nick
Lab Report
Will the gravitational potential energy (GPE) of the point where the ball is dropped be equivalent to the bounce height?
If the GPE is greater when dropped from a specific height than the bounce height will be less.
Golf ball
Triple beam balance
Meter Stick
1. Find the mass of the golf ball with the triple beam balance scale in grams
2. Convert the mass of the golf ball from Kilograms(Kg) to Newton’s
3. Drop the golf ball from the given heights on the data table
4. Calculate the GPE of the golf ball by multiplying the mass of the golf ball (in Newton’s) by the drop height (meter’s)
5. Measure the bounce height of the golf ball using a meter stick
6. Calculate the GPE of the golf ball by multiplying the mass of the golf ball (in Newton’s) by the bounce height (meter’s)
7. Repeat step # 5 & # 6 for all drop heights
8. Create a graph (line) from the data collect
As the ball was released from the starting height, the bounce height had less height than the starting height, and the GPE was less when it bounced, and the GPE was greater when dropped from the starting height
As the test shows, the starting drop height has greater GPE, and the GPE of the bounce height is less than the starting height. One reason that the starting height is greater than the bounce height is gravity. Gravity works with the downward direction of the ball, and when the ball bounces, gravity is working against and slowing it down. Therefore the hypothesis is wrong. The GPE of the ball when it is dropped at the starting height is greater than the bounce height of the ball.

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