Brave New World - Loss of Creativity

Brave New World - Loss of Creativity

Loss of Creativity

Aldous Huxley, in his novel, the Brave New World, presents a 
horrifying view of a possible future in which society has
become a prisoner of the very technology it hoped would save us.  In Brave
New World Huxley's distortion of technology, religion, and family values,
is much more effective than his use of literary realism found in his
depiction of a savage reservation. Through his use of distortion Huxley
tells a classic tale with the theme of, be careful what you wish for,
because it may not truly be what you wanted.

Huxley effectively uses distortion in -Brave New World through his
depiction of social values of the future. For example, when Barnard Marx
hears somebody talking about Lenina in the locker room, he becomes upset.
Leaving the building, everyone he passes recommends soma for his bad mood.
Huxley shows the reader that drug use is becoming more and more an
acceptable way out for a weak society.  He is showing society that we are
becoming emotionally incapable of dealing with pain and hurt. Furthermore,
the students, while speaking with the director of the London Hatchery, are
told at one time people were viviparous, and were disgusted and outraged.
Huxley is trying to warn society that its lack of commitment and endurance
will eventually be its downfall.  Lack of the experience of pregnancy
severs the emotional ties of the woman and her child.  An emotionless
society feels no guilt.  In addition, Lenina, when accused of lack of
promiscuity by Fanny while in the locker room, religiously denies it.
Monogamy requires commitment, pain, and work.  Huxley is predicting humans
progressing to a society of people who are unable to focus on anything but
pleasure; unable to handle the work of a commitment.  He knew the road we
were on would lead the wrong way.

Huxley also uses distortion to open peoples eyes to the world of
religion.  For example, Bernard Marx hurries and frets about being late to

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