Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

Lyle Evans
December 7, 2006
Sociology per. D

1. Compare and contrast the characters in The Breakfast Club to teens in today’s society.
John Bender-Criminal (pulled fire alarm)
Brian Johnson-Geek (gun)
Claire Standish-Princess (skipped to go shopping)
Andrew Clark-Jock (taped kids butt together)
Allison Reynolds-Basket Case (had nothing better to do)

In the movie The Breakfast Club the teens stuck in the library for a Saturday Detention are the perfect example of teens in today’s society. Every school has their criminal(s) who don’t see the problem with stealing from someone’s locker, the geek who always gets strait A’s, the princess who’s daddy buys them whatever their little heart desires, the jock who is a bully just to be cool, and the basket case who just can’t get anything together.
John Bender is a criminal because he just doesn’t care about anything or anyone which is why he had no problem pulling the fire alarm. Everyone knows at least one criminal in their school. One hears about them getting arrested for stupid stuff in the paper more than once because they don’t get it after the first time they were arrested.
Brian Johnson is a geek because he is smart and gets good grades in all of his classes. We all know at least one geek in our school. We generally tend to classify them as the students who are exceptionally good in science and math and always on the high honors list posted outside the office.
Claire Standish, the princess, Daddy’s little girl. She skipped school to go shopping. She thought nothing of it because she is so use to having whatever she wants that shopping for material items was more important to her than an education at school. Students talk in the hallways all the time one always knows why students skip class, and a lot of the time its to go to the mall because material things are so important to people these days.
Andrew Clark is the jock. He is on the wrestling team and...

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