Bridge to Wiseman's Cove Q&A Ch 1-20

Bridge to Wiseman's Cove Q&A Ch 1-20

A bridge to Wiseman’s Cove – Text Questions
Chapters 1-10
What are our impressions of the woman who sneaks aboard the bus in the prelude?
We have no evidence of her physical appearance apart from the face she is dressed in a way to avoid standing out. She is clearly experienced at what she is doing as she confidently tricks the bus driver into letting her on and then she expertly checks all the pockets to find an empty. After that she spends a long time tying her shoe laces to avoid people seeing her face. She is also a dishonest person as she is getting a bus ride without paying for a ticket. When the book tells us she is staying away from the light it makes it seem like she is running away or hiding, maybe from the law.
What is a prelude? What is its function?
A prelude is a short section of writing at the beginning of a book. It is meant to set the scene for the rest of the story, possibly by introducing characters or settings. It is also there to get the reader hooked on the story by raising questions in the reader’s mind.

Who are the members of Carl’s family? Briefly describe the impressions you have of these characters after the first few chapters.
Kerry – She comes across as neglective and very troubled. She has clearly never really been there for her children and she has other issues, possibly mentally.
Harley – Is an independent kid whose response to problems at home is to ride off on his bike with his friends.
Sarah – A responsible person who has had to step up and somewhat fill the role of their missing mother. Eventually she leaves at the age of 19 to have her own life, but up until then she handled her new responsibilities well.
Why doesn’t Carl blame Sarah for wanting...

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