

The British and their American colonial subjects won the contest with the French for control of North America because they won the French and Indian War. There could be two possible reasons on how they lost. The first reason the French didn’t win is because they used too much of their military strength fighting in Europe. Also, I think the British colonies had way more people than the French colonies did so that was an easy win anyway. In my opinion, the French and Indian war was only one part of a larger global struggle which was really known as the, Seven Years' War. It has been said that France was too concentrated on fighting in Europe that it was impossible for them to send troops over to North America to fight. The advantage of the British colonies having more people is that as long as they were willing to fight that could cause the French colonies to be afraid. Later on in the war , the British government found a way to gain a lot of support of the colonies. By giving the more control of the conduct of the war it gave the British a much stronger force to fight in America. Not to forget that William Pitt had great leadership. He saw North America, not Europe as the pivotal ingredient in the creation of a great empire. He also gained American support for the conflict by paying subsidies to the colonial governments that provided soldiers and supplies. William gained great popularity in America during the war by giving cash reimbursements on the colonists for their military expenses.

5. They spent a fortune on the French and Indian wars so they couldn’t raise enough money to assemble formidable fighting force. Since they didn’t have any money they instated many taxes and that made the Americans angry. That’s what started the phrase, "No taxation, without representation." The Americans begin to adopt the Native Americans fighting style of guerilla warfare. They would hide in the forest and attack instead of facing the army on an open field. The entire...

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