Brown Admission

Brown Admission

I've always considered myself a typical teenager, a boy that enjoys school, a boy that likes girls, a boy that enjoys time with his friends, a boy that over time has evolved into a man that thinks differently. As you grow older your mind starts to wander and you try to search for answers to which there are no questions to begin with. Over time I have started to appreciate things at a greater level than I ever have before. Music is more than just senseless sound that may sound garbled to some people, to me it is a way of life that floats on air just like our lives do. Sport has always been a challenge to me because it pushes an individual to the limit, and it is that thought of somehow breaking the limit against all possible odds that inspires me to not only compete but to succeed. I am quite a sociable, amiable person that enjoys parties and gatherings but I am also a person that welcomes solitude. Solitude allows a person to escape from the surroundings in which they live in. It allows them to dream, to hope, to pray and most importantly to ponder and think about the world around them.

I feel that the environment that you are brought up in greatly affects and moulds the shape of your social conscience. By being brought up in Pakistan, a country with great economic and social extremes, I feel that I too have a well-developed social conscience. Economically, Pakistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, and it is this poverty and suffering that force you to open up your eyes and hearts for those less fortunate than you. Pakistan in many aspects is poles apart from the west. It is a country in which children still die from mal-nutrition and lack of basic medical facilities. It is a country that is plagued with illiteracy and it is this lack of education, which is the main reason for the hapless conditions. That is why my parents have always emphasized on the need and advantages of education, the kind of education that is...

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