BSHS 322 Week 5 Fnal individual Human Services Manager Exercise

BSHS 322 Week 5 Fnal individual Human Services Manager Exercise

BSHS 322 Week 5 Fnal individual Human Services Manager Exercise
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Human Services Manager Exercise
The human services manager job is stressful and demanding. They must keep up with daily activities of their staff as well as the clients each staff member is working with. The manager is responsible for making sure that their staff is doing their jobs to the best of their ability and whenever an issue arises the manager must decide the best way to handle that situation. Sometimes the outcome is not what the manager wants to do but it is the best recourse for all involved. It is the responsibility of the manager to make sure their staff is properly trained and is kept up to date with all new training available to them. The manager must then make sure that they are using their knowledge to the best of their ability and if something is not being done correctly it is their job to find out why and make sure necessary changes are made.

Scenario #1

Family Support Services Center

Staff Member: Tom Martin

1. Demographics

1. Age: 32
2. Gender: Male
3. Marital Status: Divorced
4. Race/ethnicity: Caucasian
5. Years with Agency: 4

1. Staff Member History and Current Assessment

1. Employed as an individual counselor for adult clients.
2. Considered an adequate but not outstanding counselor.
3. Two previous client complaints that could not be substantiated.
4. A review of Tom’s previous case files shows four female clients who terminated counseling with no explanation.
5. Female client of Tom has informed supervisor that he had made inappropriate sexual comments, bought...

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