bshs 44

bshs 44

The Interview Process
The Interview Process
When seeking out assistance in a human service agency, often a person will begin with an application process. After being accepted for services, this will be followed by a face-to-face meeting with a helping professional. This meeting is called an interview and “is usually the first contact between a helper and an applicant for services” (McClam& Woodside, 2012). The interview process has a structure composed of three parts – the beginning, the middle, and the end. Each part consists of information that must flow between the client and the helper so that the services that will most benefit the client are identified in the end. Consider the following assessment interview between a case manager and a pregnant, teenage student.
The Beginning
CASE MANAGER: Hello Jessica, my name is Daun. I am the case manager here at the agency. I want to let you know that everything we discuss here is confidential. This means that I will not share anything you tell me unless you give me permission or unless, for any reason, I would be required by a judge to release information. Do you understand that?
JESSICA: Yes, I do.
DAUN: Okay, then let’s get started. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and what has brought you to the agency?
JESSICA: (Looking up briefly and then back down at her legs) Well, I’m sixteen years old and in 10th grade. I’m pregnant and I’ve been missing a lot of school. My mom doesn’t know very much about where to get help for me.
DAUN: Alright. So you’re sixteen and in the 10th grade. You have a lot on your plate right now, but it’s good to hear that you have talked with your mom about this. Was it your mom’s idea to come here?
JESSICA: (Looking up and making eye contact with Daun) No, it was my idea. I have a friend who said that she had gone to counseling here once. She said the people here are nice and that they could help me get help for me and my baby while I finish...

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