Building a Fence

Building a Fence

“To build a fence or not to build a fence”
Robert J. Samuelson, a writer for the “The Washington Post” wrote an article on the building of the border fence along the U.S/Mexico border. He states that “when it comes to immigration, we need to show more candors in our debates over immigration.” He believes that the border fence must be built to insure the protection of America against illegal immigration and other criminal activities. The US Border Patrol and Homeland Security need help in its responsibility to protect our borders.
Samuelson also believes that almost two-thirds of illegal immigrants lack a high school education and become poor and unskilled workers in the U.S. Although he states that the fence might be stigmatized as racist, the alternative might be a growing underclass and social tensions. Samuelson believes that the fence in San Diego, California has reduced illegal immigration and crossings by ninety-five percent since nineteen ninety-two. This is a sign to him that the new fence build here would do the same. “Even though tunnels and ladders would still be there, getting across will still is harder, and policing will be easier” Samuelson stated. The burden on the taxpayers will outweigh the end result of building this wall or fence. Samuelson believes in controlling the inflow of illegal immigrations by already legalizing all those living in the US illegally already. His way of thinking is that those in the US once being legalized will live productive lives as US citizens.
Charles Krauthammer, an author for the “Real Clear Politics” also wrote an article on how building a fence might be a great idea to keep immigrants out. Krauthammer stated that, “Fences do work. That’s why people have them around their houses-not because homeowners are unwelcoming, but because they insist that those who wish to come into their domain knock at the front door.” Meaning that illegal immigrant should be free to enter our country without legal papers....

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