

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are both prime examples of bureaucracies in our modern times. We know that these both agencies have their positives and negative aspects. According to Sociologist Max Webber (1968/1922) he stated that an interrelationship should exist in democracy and a bureaucracy. Webber explained having this kind of relationship would make a bureaucracy more effective in the aspect of controlling any corruption or any abuse of power. Therefore some of the positives aspects of the FBI and CIA as a bureaucracy are that they both are there to ensure national security and serve the public. The negative aspects are too many approval levels which impede effective decision making and an ever growing bureaucracy.

The FBI and CIA are one of the two elite agencies that any governmental official can achieve to be a part of. The FBI motto is “Fidelity, Bravery & Integrity and the CIA motto is Service, Integrity & Excellence (www.cia.gov). As you can see as Americans we value the hard work that these agencies due, to keep our nation safe from any harm that might be directed our way. I think this is the most and positive aspect of these both bureaucracies because it makes Americans sleep safe at night. Serving as a public official can always be a challenging job, being a member these elite’ agencies you have to serve the public with integrity and character putting your country first and agency before self. What this basically means that these elite agencies in form of a bureaucracy are here to serve the country and it citizens at whatever cost. How I stated before I think this makes us all Americans feel way safer here in our home. These two positive aspects are great examples of how these bureaucracies work in our favor to becoming a safer nation.

An ever growing bureaucracy can become a problem in the FBI and CIA. Where does a bureaucracy end? According to (Joseph Nye, et al, Why People Don’t Trust...