Business Ethics Case Study

Business Ethics Case Study

Business Ethics Case Study
Adam W Smith

Legal Issues in Business
Professor Patterson

Ethics in today’s business world is a buzzword. For many, ethics are engrained in them from little on up to adulthood. You don’t steal, lie, or do harm to others. For Christians, God laid out His own list of ethics with the Ten Commandments. But for some, ethics are just another word that means little. Profits take the place of ethics and push the good from companies. Romana finds herself in this very dilemma. Does she follow her Christian upbringing and faith in God or follow the rules of the world?
For most new graduates, leaving college for the allure of an all-expense paid trip to the West Coast along with more corporate swag than they can handle would be a dream come true. But how much is their integrity and reputation worth to them? The company has shown Romana that they are not above “bending” the rules to fit the narrative. When the company claims to use exotic new supplements but simply make them in the lab they were pulling a classic bait and switch on consumers. The company is trying to position itself as the leader of the healthy food and supplement industry and they aren’t afraid to play fast and loose with the truth.
If Romana came to me and asked me what she should do, I would be honest with her. After examining all aspects of the business and the deal they were offering her, I would tell her to sign the contract. She is a new graduate and we all know that paying for school in this day and age usually means large amounts of debt. Next Stop Herbal Health is offering to give her a start that very few in any industry could. Making $80k a year for most Americans would be a major step up the social-economic ladder. But let’s examine some of the more “controversial” sections of what Romana uncovered.
For many the practice of Next Stop Herbal Health donating money to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU would be a deal...

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