

A Cup of the Best Joe
Amanda R. Thomas
June 26, 2015
Kenneth Prevot
A Cup of the Best Joe
What is business research? It is when a business will gather relevant information about themselves to find an answer to an internal issue they are having. This could be in any functional area of the business, and just a few to mention are sales, customer service, marketing, and accounting. This may seem like it is time consuming and some businesses don't have time for such things, but you will notice that businesses that do take the time to research these areas will come out on top. Businesses like Peet's Coffee & Tea.
Peet's Coffee & Tea started in Berkley California. The company was started by brewing the best cup of coffee anyone could have, and on top of that they wanted the customers who said they didn’t like coffee to give it a second go. They believed that their roasting methods and the way they handpicked their batches and roasted smaller batches would make a huge difference. Peet’s Coffee & Tea didn’t market their product by giant billboards and signs everywhere like you see today with Starbucks, they were primarily based off of word of mouth, as well as quality coffee and tea. In the article it explains that Peet's Coffee & Tea is based around heritage and tradition and it believes that it is a powerful tool for marketing coffee. You will notice unless you have been to northern California, or love coffee as much as I do, or perhaps you have seen it on sale at the grocery store you probably have no idea what Peets Coffee & Tea is. On the other hand it would be almost weird if you didn’t know what Starbucks was.
The issue is Peet's could expand and have more shops like Starbucks if they would market more. People now don’t always appreciate the inconvenience of having to get out of their car standing in line and waiting for a 10 min coffee drink. On the other hand they don’t want to have to drive to the only two locations either to get the...

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