

  • Submitted By: a9153437
  • Date Submitted: 01/23/2016 12:55 PM
  • Category: Business
  • Words: 3220
  • Page: 13

1. The product-team structure draws on the ideas underlying the functional structure.
2. The need for global coordination and innovation is forcing constant experimentation and adjustment to get the right mix of local initiative, information flow, leadership
3. A single product firm should employ a functional structure.
4. The major advantages of a divisional structure include:
a) Forces coordination and necessary authority down to the appropriate level for rapid response
b) Places strategy development and implementation in closer proximity to the corporate-level managers
c) Frees chief executive officer for broader strategic decision making
d) Eliminates divisional autonomy
e) A and C
5. Early achievement of a strategy structure fit can be a
Competitive disadvantage
Core competence
Competitive advantage
Core rigidity
None of the above
6. The matrix organization decreases the number of middle managers who exercise general management responsibilities.
7. What is NOT a strategy-related advantage of the matrix structure?
a) It accommodates project-oriented business activity of wide variety
b) It is a good training ground for strategic managers
c) It maximizes efficient use of functional managers
d) It necessitates tremendous horizontal and vertical coordination
e) A and C
8. Specialization of work and effort allows a unit to develop greater expertise, focus, and efficiency.
9. The underlying paradox of a functional organization structure is that the narrow technical expertise sought……
1. The product-team structure draws on the ideas underlying the functional structure.
2. The need for global coordination and innovation is forcing constant experimentation and adjustment to get the right mix of local initiative, information flow, leadership
3. A single product firm should employ a functional structure.
4. The major advantages of a divisional structure include:
a) Forces coordination...