Cancer Treatments

Cancer Treatments

Imagine a house that is infested with roaches or mice. The family that lives in the house calls the exterminators to get rid of the problem, but there is one catch. The exterminator tells them he will set a few pieces of dynamite around where the mice and roaches are coming from. So basically, they will be getting rid of the vermin, but it will also give sufficient damage to the surrounding house. Now imagine a cancer patient receiving chemotherapy, they are receiving treatments for this disease in their body, but the treatments also affects normal cells in the body, producing awful side effects. With this being one of the main sources of treatment given to cancer patients, is there ever going to be another way to take care of or even cure cancer? Today I will explain to you what chemotherapy is and how it affects the cancerous and noncancerous parts of a patient’s body and then I will explain further advancements being researched in the treatments of cancer and how they may benefit better. First lets here what exactly chemotherapy is and how it affects a patient’s body. You may wonder if there will ever be a cure to cancer in our lifetime, I sure hope there is, and it almost seems like it could happen in the next 10 years or so. One possible way of curing cancer is through nanotechnology. Now according to, nanotechnology is technology and engineering dealing with items the size of or smaller than a nanometer, or one billionth of a meter. As told by an article in “The Economist”, this way of treating cancer can be done by injecting certain types of nanoshells, or small circular compounds surrounded by a shell a few nanometers thick, into the bloodstream. Depending on where the tumor is in the body and what type it is, scientists and doctors will size the nanoshells just right to get caught in the tumor because tumors have abnormal capillary sizes. After about 80 trillion or so of these nanoshells are caught in the tumor doctors will insert an...

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