Capital Punishment: a Major Concern for Many People

Capital Punishment: a Major Concern for Many People

Capital Punishment is a major concern for many people. There is so much contraversy of weather it should be abolished or not and because of this it has created moral confusion for so many. On one hand it is considered to be a tool to bring justice to people, but on the other hand it is taking a life and in some cases not just a life but an innocent life at that. The majority of society is for the death penalty while very few are against it. There is always more than one side to someone's opinion; weather it is religious, governmental, or other. Some would argue that weighing the positive and negative sides would result in the best answer. I have weighed these aspects and the positive does indeed overcome the negative. Throughout history all people have used execution to punish criminals; though the way we do things today are quite different. Since WWII people have constantly tried to rid the death penalty. To abolish the death penalty, people would have to prove points in every aspect of its existence. Another argument that people must make is weather the death penalty is more costly than life imprisonment. Millions of dollars are spent every year to put criminals to death. Makes you wonder why the majority of society would choose the death penalty over imprisonment. Spending money on the death penalty is not as absurd as spending money on so many other trivial things. If people are looking for a break from taxes it shouldn't be skimmped on by taking away from more important issues. How many billions of dollars are spent on expanding a mall or the NASA program? There are just a few things that all of our money has contributed to; making the death penalty expenses miniscule. Capital punishment may not exactly be cost effective, but it is not the biggest economical problem that people should be worried about.

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