Capstone Research

Capstone Research


These past weeks I have been working on researching my paper and finding information on my topic. My topic of choice by now is probation/parole officer. In this process I have been looking at all the information that I have and following the guidelines and the plan that you have given us to use. This has helped me a lot but. But the stressful part is trying to collect all this information and try to prepare an informative paper out of all this information.
Right now I am working on putting my paper together and looking for someone who is interested in talking to me in the interviewing stage. At this point I have not found anyone yet. The probation officers in my area are very busy and handling a lot of caseloads. So I don’t know what I am going to do with that part of my research. So I guess my Plan B for that part of my assignment I was thinking about looking for some interviews done online involving probation officer duties and see if I could import that information into my paper and use that as an source of information. But that is my last resort and I would have to find a current interview in the 2010 or 2011 year time frame. I’m looking for something that is at least current and will fit in with my paper. I guess the reason I am having such a hard time with getting the interview is that probation officers are very busy people and I have a hectic work schedule as well. I work all hours and shifts and not on a set schedule.
However this is pretty much where I am at on my paper. I think I have enough information collected to put my paper together. However I am not sure how I am going to work the budget in there and how it can help my community and how I am going to write up a proposition for our state or county. This part of my paper has me a little confused. I have never had to put a paper together like this. So this is a little challenging for me. So maybe I might have to do a little more researching in regards to those two...

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