

Carbon Cycle

Carbon Cycle, it is the recycle of all organisms on Earth. It is also produced from fossil fuels, cement and land use changes. Carbon exists in the ground, air, water, animals and plants. Most of the element on Earth contains with carbon.
Meanings for the key words
Fossil fuels: It’s one kind of fuel that is produced by the dead animals and plants from million years ago.
Atmosphere: The gases that surrounds the Earth.
Sea: The large amount of salty water that’s covering most of the surface on Earth.
Photosynthesis: Caused by the action of sunlight on chlorophyll, it produces special substances such as sugar that uses as food.
Burning: It is a chemical reaction that produced heat energy, it needs oxygen to happen.
Fossilization: It is the replacement of any organisms with mineral substances.
Combustion: It is the chemical activity that produces light and heat, which is burning.
Carbon Dioxide: It is produced by animals and plants, and it is also produced by burning fossil fuels.
Store: A supply or stock that’s for future uses.
Respiration: It is the process of breathing; animals inhale oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

The Carbon Cycle Process
Carbon first enters in to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide from respiration (breathing) and combustion (burning). Producers that make their own food like plants to make carbohydrates in photosynthesis absorb carbon dioxide, and it will put off oxygen. Animals feed on the plants; it will pass though the carbon along the food chain.
However, most of the animals exhaled as carbon dioxide. This is through the process of respiration. Eventually they die. Decomposers eat the dead organisms. The carbon that was in their bodies is then return to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Somehow people are preventing this and then are available as fossil fuel in combustion.

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