Career Audiology

Career Audiology

The muffled sounds of other voices, not being able to hear music, and the only way of communication is pen and paper with out one knowing sign language, this is a lifestyle of a hard of hearing or deaf man or women. Many begin loose hearing and purchase aides to increase their chances of having clearer hearing. A career in Audiology would be the most fulfilling and rewarding as watching hard of hearing citizens develop speech and hearing skills with an aid. Taking Sign language courses and having great interaction with deaf and hard of hearing citizens would improve my abilities to communicate with deaf clients. One would agree that sign language is beautiful. Any patient would appreciate the excitement a degree Audiologist brings to a diagnosis center. It is enjoyable to watch, young or old, men and women improve their hearing and speech skills. After working with hearing impaired clients the progress that is made with the client's hearing aid is rewarding. Audiologists provide a diagnosis for citizens loosing their hearing. As age progress's many humans five senses begin to diminish, for some its their loss of hearing more than another sense. Being born with a hearing deficiency creates more work for an audiologist to create the sense of sound. Some citizens with hearing problems were not born hard of hearing or deaf; they had become greatly ill or experienced a terrible accident. My friend Dave was born completely hearing and when he was three he became greatly ill and lost his hearing. He had had a virus, meningitis, and a 106 degree temperature. He had to compensate with his hearing loss and go to and audiologist and speech pathologist. His family learned sign language so they could still communicate with Dave. With the baby boomers generation growing older more citizens will obtain hearing loss.

Despite the rewarding career of being an audiologist, downfalls will occur. Having to get to know each clients case as they come in for a diagnosis, will be a...

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