case brief

case brief

Carleton University Department of Law and Legal Studies
Laws 1000 C-V - Introduction to Legal Studies

Assignment 2: Case Brief

This assignment:

• Is worth 20% of your final grade.
• Requires you to locate a judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada, read that
judgment and summarize it in a case brief.
• In constructing your case brief, please use the format contained in the
“Case Brief Template” which is posted on the course webpage on
• Your paper should be no more than three double-spaced pages (no more
than 750 words), and you are not required to draw upon sources other than
the case report.
• Be sure to consult the “Evaluation Procedures and Deadlines” section of your
course outline for details on submission. Information about late submissions,
appeals and instructional offences can also be found in your course outline.

The paper is due:

•Due June 22, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. Assignments must be submitted to your TA
electronically via CULearn in advance of this deadline.

The case you must locate and summarize is:

• R. v. Williams [1998] 1 S.C.R1. 1128 (an excerpt from this case is contained in
your course reader- but a good brief should draw upon the entire case!)

Breakdown Marks and Criteria:

1. Name of Case & Citation (2 mark)
2. Type and Level of Case, Author (2 mark)
3. Facts (4 marks)
4. Issue(s) on Appeal (2 mark)
5. Judgment (10 marks = 4 marks for specifying and defining four of the prejudices;
4 marks for catching the essence of the judgment).
1 Supreme Court Reports


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