case study 2

case study 2

Case Study Two

Schizophrenia is a brain disorder, with schizophrenia they look at the world totally different outlook, they see people that are not their and hears voice from no one. Mrs. Smith, a thirty year old woman, has been brought to the emergency for schizophrenia and catatonic symptoms as well as bipolar. This has been getting worse over last several months and now is interfering with her daily life. For the most part schizophrenia does not discriminate of any persons and without treatment can be all consuming. "Previous findings have shown that the risk for anxiety disorders is twenty-one percent higher for people from the city, who also have a thirty-nine percent increase for mood disorders," says co-author Jens Pruessner, a Douglas researcher (Douglas Mental Health University Institute 2011). Some of the main symptoms are socially withdrawn, very forgetful; cannot concentrate, hostile at times or suspiciousness, expressionless looks, not able to cry or express joy, depressed often, oversleeping or insomnia, weird or not rational statements, extreme reaction to criticism. Mrs. Smith will need to have treatment which includes: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Family Therapy would need to start as well, Mrs. Smith would need to see a psychiatrist and be placed on anti-depression and anti-psychotic medication. Some symptoms for bipolar are high energy, excessive activity, and or restlessness, overly good mode, irritability, fast, erratic talking, racing thoughts, inability to concentrate, little need for sleep, felling of power, poor judgement, reckless spending, high sex drive, alcohol or drug abuse, aggression, refusal to admit there is a problem (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

Case Study Two
Mrs. Smith, a thirty year old woman, is presenting symptoms of schizophrenia with catatonic state associated with schizophrenia. At this time she is in need of diagnosis,...

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