Cell Membranes

Cell Membranes

  • Submitted By: changhahm
  • Date Submitted: 12/16/2009 8:43 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 1036
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 458

What do you call the age where people ate a lot of sauce?
The Sauce age! Lab…
Changdae Hahm 4th Period Biology
{draw:frame} Background Information: The membrane of the cell is like a security guard. It lets some people in and keeps some people out; the guard also lets some out as well. This is called selective permeability. The plasma membrane is a protective layer external to the plasma membrane in plant cells, bacteria, and some protists; it protects the cell and helps maintains its shape. Membranes are known as fluid mosaic. It literally means drifting surface of many products. The double bonds in the fatty acid tails of phospholipids produce links with the heads and the tails. The phospholipids look like the picture at the right. The heads are hydrophilic which means that they like water, the tails dislike the water, and this structure makes both heads and tails happy. This specific structure makes it that water does not come in contact with the tails. Through these structures there are things like proteins, cholesterols, and glycoproteins. These proteins in the middle of the phospholipid bilayer play a great part in the cell membrane, whether it is with the transportation, to signaling messages from and to the brain.
{draw:frame} First off, half of all proteins are related to or play a part in the cell membrane. The functions of these membrane proteins include support by attaching to the cytoskeleton and ECM, cell-cell recognition, intercellular junctions, enzymes, signal transduction, and transport. The transport function would be probably the most important function the membrane proteins have. There is passive transport and active transport. First, diffusion is a type of passive transport where the high concentration rushes into the low concentration causing the cell to swell up or shrivel up. For example, if a cell contained 65% pure fresh water and the surrounding concentration of water was 85%, the higher concentration,...

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