Cell Phones

Cell Phones

When cell phones first became available to the public in 1984 they were big black and bulky (weighing two pounds), they were also very expensive, the first cell phone sold for $3,995. Eight years later, in 1991, Motorola designed a smaller phone called the MicroTac Lite with a reduced cost of one thousand dollars.
Less than 20 years later there are more cell phones than can be named all with different designs, colors, features and sizes. The cell phones now are relatively inexpensive and many are free when you sign up for a contract with a cell phone carrier. Almost anyone can afford to have a cell phone; there are prepaid phones or low cost rate plans that include an allotment of minutes per month. There are a number of different types of calling plans catered to many different life styles.
Presently, Cell phones make it possible for people to take their work on the road without a computer. We can communicate anything that we need by using a cell phone. Email, maps and calendars are all available at the tips of our fingers at an instant. No longer do you have to get the newspaper to check movie times, you can check them on your cell phone. Cell phones literally put the world at our fingertips.
Concluding, cell phones, in my opinion, have changed our world. They are still changing our world. The next big thing is the release of the iPhone 5s, with the finger print capabilities, and the upgraded features, we are in for a treat. I believe that there will be more to come. I believe cell phones will continue to keep the world at our fingertips.

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