Cell Story

Cell Story

Sarah Baptiste Pd. 3
Thursday, November 13, 2008

We Love Cells Story:
Eukaryote & Prokaryote Went Up the Hill to Fetch a Pail of Water

1Eukaryote and 2Prokaryote 3cells live in the town of 4Photosynthesis. They went up the 5Chloroplast hill to fetch a pail water! They got up the hill to the 6Vacuole well. The cells got out their 7Golgi apparatus buckets and started to fill them, sorting all proteins of the 8isotonic water, which helps being 9selectively permeable, only letting the water in the bucket. Up at the hill there’s the 10Organelle Snack Shop. Prokaryote went inside and bought some 11Mitochondria Energy Drink for the both of them. Their 12cell membrane allows the drink into their 13cytoplasm, and their 14active transports started getting faster and faster from the energy drink. Eukaryote and Prokaryote got really hyper from all the energy in their system.
They decided to start going home, so they used the 15Endoplasmic Reticulum pathway down the hill. Instead of using the 16Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum they used the 17Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. Eukaryote, as clumsy as he is tripped over one of the 18ribosomes. Poor Eukaryote came tumbling down the pathway faster then a bullet! He doesn’t have a 19cell wall to protect himself and breaks his little 20nuclear membrane. Quickly, Prokaryote came after being cautious to go get Mommy and Daddy 21Nucleus.
They took Eukaryote to the 22Cytolysis Hospital to see Dr. 23DNA who specializes in 24cytology to use his Partner 25Lysosome to help fix his 26cytoskeleton. Eukaryote was all better, and went back to their little home on the prairie in the town called Photosynthesis…

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