Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700

Identify and state the historical significance of the following:
1. John Calvin-
2. Anne Hutchinson
3. Roger Williams
4. Henry Hudson
5. William Bradford
6. Peter Stuyvesant
7. William Laud
8. Thomas Hooker
9. William Penn
10. John Winthrop
11. King Philip (Metacom)
12. John Cotton
13. Sir Edmund Andros
14. Gustavus Adolphus
15. William and Mary
16. Massasoit
17. Fernando Gorges
18. Myles Standish
19. Martin Luther
20. Michael Wigglesworth
21. Squanto


Define and state the historical significance of the following:

22. the "elect"-
23. Franchise-
24. predestination
25. freemen
26. "visible saints"
27. conversion
28. doctrine of a calling
29. covenant
30. antinomianism
31. sumptuary laws
32. salutary neglect
33. passive resistance
34. "city upon a hill"

Describe and state the historical significance of the following:

35. Protestant Reformation
36. Pilgrims
37. New England Confederation
38. Calvinism
39. Massachusetts Bay Company
40. Dominion of New England
41. Institutes of the Christian Religion
42. Navigation Laws
43. Great Migration
44. Glorious Revolution
45. Puritans
46. General Court
47. Dutch West India Company
48. Separatists
49. Bible Commonwealth
50. Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)
51. Mayflower
52. Protestant ethic
53. Mayflower Compact
54. Fundamental Orders
55. French Huguenots
56. Scottish Presbyterians
57. Church of England
58. Dutchification
59. Plymouth Bay
60. Congregational Church
61. Pequot War
62. Dutch "golden age"
63. New Netherland
64. New Amsterdam
65. New Sweden
66. Penn's Woodland
Chapter 3
Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700

Identify and state the historical significance of the following:
1. John Calvin-
2. Anne Hutchinson
3. Roger Williams
4. Henry Hudson
5. William Bradford
6. Peter Stuyvesant
7. William Laud
8. Thomas Hooker
9. William Penn

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