Charlie Brooker's Screen Burn Take Me Out Review

Charlie Brooker's Screen Burn Take Me Out Review

Dear Charlie Brooker,
I would like to take into account your point of view and review of my television show Take Me Out. It was blown out of proportion and not needed. My show is great Saturday night prime time television for people who have had a bad day at work and need to relax. My show is for people to watch and put their feet up, grab a glass of wine and laugh and chill out.
As you quoted “okay it is bad” makes me think, as one you have never hosted a television program before. And two, Take Me Out is just a harmless hour of Saturday night television. Also there is no need for the bad comments you have given! As you have not given the show a chance.
Furthermore, I would like to focus on the fact that you stated. “As he slides down a huge glittery pipe like a showbiz turd” which again is harmless, you say the same again for the lucky men who slide down the pipe later into the show. The pipe as I know is cheesy but it is what the people want and get.
Later on into your review, you comment on how my girls harshly judge the young bachelors and you do not like this. But once again I state that your opinion is yours and the girls have to judge harshly as only one woman can win the man.
My television show involves important life lessons if so to say, take me out teaches people the right things and the wrong things to say to a woman or man. So maybe this is a bad rated show in your eyes but I think that my television show can help people’s lives in the hunt for love. Because on my show it proves to you that every different type of woman is out there it just takes time to find the right one.
You quote about my show saying “they are all characters, there are: mouthy ones, stupid ones, sweet ones, gothic ones, old ones and identical twin ones. All human life is here apart from someone you would like to spend the rest of your days with”. This shows that you are wrong. Underneath the hard exterior of all these people we all need to find that true soul mate, as this...

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