Charterictic of Orentalism

Charterictic of Orentalism

Muslims and Arabs are usually thought of as the same race and or culture. Muslims are a part of a religious sector; they embrace the religion of Islam. Islamic believers are divided into small groups of faith. On the other hand Arab is individuals that own Arabia or Arab regions, and they are allowed to follow what ever religion they want. Also Arab refers to immigrants and descendants from countries of North Africa and part of the Middle East.
In 1965 there was the Immigration and Naturalization Act that has been filling skilled and professional roles in the United States. Muslim and Arab are politically aware and active. In October 2001, there was a USA Patriot Act passed for condemning discrimination against Arab and Muslim Americans.
Orientalism is something associated with or the character of Asia or Asians. It is also referred to the study of Eastern societies and cultures, languages and people. Orientalism may have little effect on hate crimes in America. People that commit hate crimes are usually not educated or self detained. However prejudice appears to carry the same weight as hate crimes, as crime is enacted purely on hate for a particular culture or ethnic group, especially in cases that are all based on prejudice, association with terrorism and Muslims, because these are extreme groups, not all Muslims support terrorism.
The best thing to do is to educate our children, and not teach them hatred because someone is not like them or their culture is different and by leaving people alone in their thoughts and beliefs. Realizing that we all have different beliefs, opinions, and cultures for no one view is less worthy, or legitimate, nor does it make someone fell less important for disagreeing.

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