

One of my earlier, very fond memory is with my grandfather. I grew up in Georgia, and my grandparents live in Florida. I used to go down and stay with them for a month or 6 weeks in the summer. Some of my favorite times were on Sunday mornings when my grandfather would pick me up after Sunday school in his old Dodge truck and we would drive down to the river, stopping at a convenience store along the way to pick up some little snack or toy (I especially remember Silly Putty, for some reason). Eventually we'd end up at a park right on the Halifax River with a path over and around this little pond with waterlilies. I remember being in my Sunday dress, little dress shoes and all, and my tall, handsome grandfather was often in his light blue suit and tie. I loved to run around on that little path, or out on the stone wall right at the river's edge, safe in the knowledge that my granddad was with me. It was usually mid morning, so it wasn't too hot, and sometimes it was misty or foggy. The whole place had this feel of magic to it for me. These were the only times that I really had my grandfather to myself, which made them even more special. I guess the happiness came from knowing that this was my special time with someone that I adored and who adored me. Plus, y'know, running around outside in your pretty little dress is always fun.

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