Childless Europe

Childless Europe

Since the 1960’s there has been a drastic change in the lives of women. In Europe these changes are starting to affect women’s choices of having children or not having children. Most women have changed perspectives and are steering clear of the “traditional housewife” role. They are now seeking more independent lifestyles with the rise of greater opportunity for better education and employment. This choice is creating a downward trend in population and a much lower birthrate across Europe.
There are a few factors to this major decline occurring in the world today. Birth control and religious beliefs can be claimed for the absence of some births but the main reason overall has to do with economics. According to Pope Benedict, “Children, our future, are perceived as a threat to the present.”
People are becoming self-interested and not focusing on family. Women are now in the world of work and the Countries they live in make it hard for them to have families and a career. Some European countries are creating a new system to help increase the birthrate. They are now giving women longer maternity leaves, giving women money for having a child, and even creating state funded subsidized daycare. But not all countries are participating in this system For example Italy. Italy’s culture states that it is preferred for Italian women to stay home and raise her children once she becomes a mother. This means no career. If a career is wanted Italy offers little state subsidized daycares which are far and few in between, and the old ways of working and having family take care of the children has changed. Basically this is leaving woman of this country along with many others in Europe dealing with the same issues a choice. A career? Or Children? Since equality of women has become huge in todays world the choice is clear that most women are choosing employment. Leaving a huge gap in Europes population which will eventually have a negative effect on Europe as a whole....

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