Chinese-English - Getting Along with Others Reading

Chinese-English - Getting Along with Others Reading

  • Submitted By: jiyihanxing
  • Date Submitted: 05/13/2010 12:19 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 624
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 554

译林版牛津英语教材 必修五 Unit 1 Getting along with others
1. 教材分析
1. 单元背景分析
2. 教材内容分析
本教材包含两篇短信,皆讲述了朋友之间的友谊出现了问题,并向编辑求助的事。通过课文的学习,让学生们回忆自己与自己的朋友遇到矛盾的时候,并且回忆如何解决矛盾。让学生知道如何与朋友相处以及友情的重要性。我们认为,学生对本课关于人际交往的话题会比较感兴趣,可以通过展示同学间产生矛盾的图片,让同学们回忆,向同学们提出问题,如:Are you familiar with these situations? Do you have such experiences? Would you like do share with us? 以让同学们开动脑筋思考。本节课是Reading部分的第一课时,旨在让学生读懂课文,把握中心意思。以读为主,整体把握,反馈点拨,培养其人际交往的能力。
2. 学情分析
3. 教学策略
本单元的主题是如何与他人交往,由朋友这个切入点着手,给学生介绍与人交往中会发生的矛盾,以及解决矛盾的方法。教学内容丰富,能够激发学生的学习热情。通过多媒体、图片等为学生创造良好的语言环境,让他们主动参与。在最后安排小组讨论,是原本已经疲倦的学生在轻松的环境中实现更多的信息交流,让学生在做中学,讨论中学,在做中巩固提高。我们的阅读设计思路是:查读skimming——略读scanning——细读careful reading——讨论discussion。
4. 教学目标
Teaching objects
Knowledge objectives
Words: betray, ashamed, cheerful, upset, angry, helpless, dilemma, guilty, absent-minded
Expressions: feel betrayed by, feel ashamed, be determined to do, be upset that, apologize to
Ability objectives
1. Students are able to understand the passage and learn how to get along with their friends.
2. Students can use the new words and expressions to write a letter.
3. Students are able to read passages themselves.
Emotion objectives
Lead students to get along with others and know the importance of friendship.
Teaching aids
1. Some pictures about trouble between friends.
2. Multi-media system.
Teaching difficult points
1. To get the major ideas of the two letters is a little difficult.
2. To know how to get along with their friends is important.
五、教学过程(Teaching Procedures)
Step 1 Lead-in (3’)
T shows some pictures that dealt with friendship on PPT to stimulate the interest on this topic of the...

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