

I come in the name of Jesus King of Glory , Son of God , blessed forever & ever giving thanks unto God and the Father . By him and through him the door to Gods' Throne. Hear what the spirit say.
Young people you who curse and says everyone else curse ; No they don't. Depends on who you hang with. You do not know as you curse , so you pass that on to your future children . Your wife/husband , friends , you say and so what ?!
When you stand before God and his beloved Son Jesus you will curse , and by your words you will be condemned in a Lake of Fire and Brimstone to burn forever and ever Amen.
Why am I telling you this because , Satan doesn't want you to know. So out of your heart you speak , when your heart is full it will show up as the ISSUES of your life . Amen
You Reap what you Sow.
What you do now at young ages you will pass on , you know no other way . Alot of you are small as young people are , go see what you will do.
Be made wise, Revelation 13 verses 9-18 you are found in verses 16 . You say you won't accept , you curse right , you already have his nature , he also curses , he curses even you. Your curse are words , His curse are works if you speak as the beast , you his servant to obey. Amen. You will do his works.
A servant is not greater than his master he becomes like his master . Some will hear and turn , because once blind now you See ; may God give you Sight . Amen
Whoever serves sin is a servant to sin. So tell everyone good bye , because sin demands payment from you , Death !
And he claim what is due to him . Promise you . You suppose the religion is your answer it's NOT , Jesus is the way . Be ye reconciled , Repent in your heart and mind , while you can . Cry out to Jesus , ask for your forgiveness of the sin you was born in ; you were born into a world of sin . He will forgive you , wash you , never cast you off. Promise to teach you how to love . Not , with words but Example Spirit and Power ! Amen.
Ask it and it shall be given...

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