Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement

HIST 2B Lecture

Mongols – horseback men, for good travel, and bow hunting
Ghengis Khan – 1190’s made first alliance with another clan leader to defeat the Merkid clan, strengthening his
The Mongol Empire-
Ghengis undertook a number of initiatives to ensure his power, key to his power was his army.
Established permanent capital –Karakorum
Expansion of the Mongol Empire – 1211 attacked jurchen kingdom in northern china
- Effective military, but after conquer, did not setup government to administer the vast empire.
- Controlled the people through military
Mongols after Ghengis Khan
- Empire was divided among his heirs, into khanates, each to become their own
- Trade and communications were maintained between the parts,
III. Mongols in the Middle East
A The conquest of the Middle East
- Hulegi (il-khanate) subdues Iranian tribes
- attacked Abbasid Cliphate
- westward advance is stopped by the Mamluk from Egypt.

B. Ruling the Il-khante
- Mongols assimilated into Persian culture increasing tolerance.
- ended the religious divide between rulers and ruled
- but then persecuted the Jews and Christians

IV. China and the Mongols
A. Sung Dynasty
a. China weak under Sung
b. Jurchens
B. Mongol Conquest in China
a. Mongols attracted by riches of China
b. Genghis proceeded cautiously
i. Defeated Xi Xia
ii. Mongols continue conquest after Ghengis Death
iii. Occupied all of Yellow river basin
iv. Mongols remained interested in loot
c. Khubilai
i. Begins conquest of Sung China
ii. Moves capital from Karakorum to Peking
iii. 1271 Adopted a Chinese dynastic name – Yuan
iv. Last Sung stronghold fell in 1279
v. *Compare Yuan, Ming, and ? dynasty
C. Mongol Rule in China: the yuan Dynasty
a. Discriminated against Chinese, allowing Mongols to occupy top posts.
b. Mongols seen by Chinese as an occupying force.
D. Foreign Contacts and Chinese Culture
a. Pax Mongolica
i. Permited trade between China and west
b. Other cultureal...

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