Civil War "Newspaper"

Civil War "Newspaper"


A war worth fighting
|The slavery issue in America has gone too |why are we here if we are not going to be |Who chooses to come and live here. And if I|
|far. For we have come to this country for |treated as citizens? I believe that we |am a man I expect to be treated as one. So |
|civil living and freedoms that were not |should demand our rights until they arte |this war is for a good purpose and a good |
|offered in our native lands and have |given. If immigrants can come and be given |cause. I believe we should stand by Lincoln|
|enslaved people that are different from us.|citizenship according to the Constition we |as we are in this battle instead of badger |
|I as a Negro have witnessed many of the |have our rights as well. This country was |him about. Support your troops and your |
|turmoil that my people go through daily, |built on the thought that all men were |leadership. |
|and I do not like what I see. We are being |created but that statement did not include | |
|treated unfairly even though we have been |us. Why? Our founding fathers thorough that| |
|brought to this country against our on free|this would help our country, but this law | |
|will but now are being treated as animals. |does not pertain to us because that doesn’t| |
|We as a people need to take a stand against|consider us as people but as property. We | |
|what is going on in our nation |are as much of a person as any one else | |

|We have never entertained a doubt that the |but the experience of a large majority of |We heap upon them," says Beecher, moral |
|condition of the Southern slaves is the...

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