civil war

civil war

After the Constitution was adopted by all of the States in 1789, uniting the States into one nation,
differences between the States had been worked out through compromises. For more than 30 years
arguments between the North and South had been growing. By 1861 these differences between the Northern
States (which included the Mid-Western and Western States) and the Southern States had become so great
that compromise would no longer work. Thus, a conflict started within our nation that was called the Civil
War (1861-1865).
Most historians agree that the Civil War was caused by series of events and growing differences between
the States. Write an essay explaining three reasons the Southern states seceded (withdrew) from the Union
which lead to the American Civil War.
1 Introduction—Describe America pre-Civil War and why slavery is such a big issue
2 Reason #1 for secession; document support too
3 Reason #2 for secession; document support too
4 Reason #3 for secession; document support too
5 Conclusion—Sum up what you have learned and explCIVIL WAR
Document Based Question
DIRECTIONS: This task is based on the accompanying documents (1- 5). Some of these documents have
been edited for the purpose of the task. The task is designed to test your ability to work with historical
documents. As you analyze the documents, take into account both the source of the document and the
author's point of view. For part A, look at each document and answer the questions after each document. For
part B, use your answers to the questions to help write a well-organized essay.
DOCUMENT 1 - Compromise of 1850
1. How were future new states to decide if they entered the Union as a free or slave state?
2. What was the Fugitive Slave Law?
3. How many slave states are there in 1850?
4. How many free states are there in 1850?
5. What evidence is there on the map to show a past compromise?
DOCUMENT 2 - Civil War...

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