Closing Techniques

Closing Techniques

Closing techniques
Techniques > Sales > Closing techniques
One of the most important stages of selling is closing the deal, which is the actions taken by the sales person to gain agreement to the sale. There are many closing techniques in sales, which are prescribed actions that sales people take to persuade the customer to make the necessary commitment. Here are some of these:
* 1-2-3 Close - close with the principle of three.
* Adjournment Close - give them time to think.
* Affordable Close - ensuring people can afford what you are selling.
* Alternative Close - offering a limited set of choices.
* Artisan Close - show the skill of the deisgner.
* Assumptive Close - acting as if they are ready to decide.
* Balance-sheet Close - adding up the pros and the cons.
* Best-time Close - emphasize how now is the best time to buy.
* Bonus Close - offer delighter to clinch the deal.
* Bracket Close - make three offers - with the target in the middle.
* Calendar Close - put it in the diary.
* Companion Close - sell to the person with them.
* Compliment Close - flatter them into submission.
* Concession Close - give them a concession in exchange for the close.
* Conditional Close - link closure to resolving objections.
* Cost of Ownership Close - compare cost over time with competitors.
* Courtship Close - woo them to the close.
* Customer-care Close - the Customer Care Manager calls later and re-opens the conversation.
* Demonstration Close - show them the goods.
* Distraction Close - catch them in a weak moment.
* Doubt Close - show you doubt the product and let them disagree.
* Economic Close - help them pay less for what they get.
* Embarrassment Close - make not buying embarrassing.
* Emotion Close - trigger identified emotions.
* Empathy Close - empathize with them, then sell to your new friend.
* Empty-offer Close - make them an...

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