cm206 unit 2

cm206 unit 2

CM:206 Interpersonal Communications
Professor: William Hughes
Author: Ashley Joint
Kaplan University

Self Concept
One change I would make to myself would have to be learning to love myself. “Negative direct definitions can damage children’s self-esteem (Brooks & Goldstein, 2001)”. I find that this statement hits a little closer to home than I would like to admit. While I did have very positive direct definitions growing up, I have had my fair share of negative direct definitions as well. I was told I would never amount to anything, ugly, nobody worth loving, I wasn’t pretty enough to have such and such boyfriend, stupid, and not good enough. These thoughts have stayed with me even well into my adult years. It had gotten so bad that I didn’t like people looking at me for to long because they would see all of my flaws. I became the typical wall flower who doesn’t like to even talk to people. This started at such a young age that even I was shocked the type of impact this can have on children even at such a young age you wouldn’t think they would understand. I can say from personal experience no age is to young to guide a child in how to view, and treat themselves and others.
I actually decided that I wasn’t going to write one statement down I would write a variety of things. I placed them all over my house so I could have that constant reminder. There are sticky notes on my bathroom mirror, the master bathroom mirror, the fridge, my full length mirror, dresser mirror, the back patio door, the door leaving my bedroom, and the front door just so I can have that one last reminder. There is also one on my computer to motivate me to think more positively of myself and also help with staying motivated for school. All of the sticky notes each say something different. Things like you are beautiful never forget that, you have a very kind heart, you can do anything you want in life, you are the most selfless...

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